As a result, customer clients can reduce staff, logistics costs, and warehouse management costs so that they could increase the efficiency of their outstanding purchasing management.
Specialized purchasing experts with extensive experience in each field respond with the robust purchasing competitiveness through proven purchase routes.
Additionally, rapid response is available reagrding emergency orders from client companies through the operation of safety stock.
We highly recommend our Turn key business to the following companies.
1. Customer companies with large purchases in many varieties, small quantities, and urgent materials.
2. Customer companies that inquire outsourced producers in order to purchase materials.
3. Customer companies that are finished with development and seek to begin egular mass production.
4. Customer companies that want to focus on development and want to inquire purchase and manufacture to related companies.
5. Customer companies that need mid-term to long-term purchasing agency partners.
We provide the best purchasing agency to and are ready to become your best strategic partners.